Natahsa & Shannon's home session
I may be Canadian but I’m not about to apologize for how often these two wonderful faces appear in my posts. It’s fitting that they are kicking off the blog because they have been close friends of mine for a long time. From the moment we received our roommate assignments for college, Natasha and I have been attached at the hip. After our "crazy" college times (drinking lots of tea while procrastinating our papers watching the zesty Italian dressing commercials. look it up.), we moved in together, got engaged to our wonderful husbands the same year, and both got married the following year (double bridesmaid duty!) - bringing an end to our roommate life only to move into apartments just down the road from each other. Despite the “distance”, our new husbands to care for and twice the laundry to do, I've found that our friendship has only grown. With every new stage of life, we get to be witnesses to the ever growing journey of love that God has called us to. And what a beautiful journey it has been! I feel so grateful to know these two and to count them as close friends on this crazy adventure of life. Seeing how Shannon lights up Natasha like no other, being around their infectious smiles, and having the privilege of watching their journey to saying "I do" has been incredible and I pray we get to share many more moments to come.
This sweet little home session was a reminder to me of how precious the small moments are. Sometimes we think that only the big ticket items, the really grand adventures, the major success stories are the things that are worth marking the moments of our life. But what about "that one lazy Sunday we spent in our first home", "the time we had a picnic on our porch", or "used boxes as a table because we had no furniture." As time goes on "that one time..." phrase will grow and change just as we do and it will be incredible to see the growth. Suddenly "that one time I successfully made dinner without burning it" turns into "that one time she started to" It's these small moments that make up everyday, and everyday that make up a lifetime. The greatest adventures take place right at home with the ones we love. So here's to lazy Sundays. Here's to time together, making memories. Here's to a lifetime of unexpected, little moments and one beautiful adventure.
Natasha and Shannon, I hope these serve as lasting memories of your first home together and that one day you can look back on them and be reminded of so many good times. Never forget to embrace the everyday, tiny moments that bring you closer together and never miss an opportunity to make each other laugh. Thank you for being an example of a loving, joyful marriage and for putting up with my crazy antics (all these years) but especially during this session! I always know it’s going to be a good time with you in front of my camera. Know that your friendship means the world to me and that when the time comes when we can no longer just walk down the street to see each other, that I'll always be there for you.